IT’S FREE!!!! My friends over at Spoonful of Foodies and I slaved over our hot stoves and ovens to bring you this fantastic cookbook just in time for Fall.…
I am absolutely honored that Anita over at Kitchen Getaways nominated me for the Liebster Award. I baked for the first time in over five years and I have…
My friends and I at Spoonful of Foodies developed a special date night menu for you and your special someone. Each day we released a new course or two.…
Lemon Rosemary Brussels Sprouts & Asparagus is the perfect melding of winter and spring vegetables with rosemary and lemon. Jim’s father and stepmother spend every winter in Yuma, AZ…
Green Chili Chicken Quesadillas
My plans for the day had changed. We were home when we planned to be out. Lunch time plans had to be altered. Just another average day in our…
Spaghetti with Brussels Sprouts – Simple sauce constructed from tomatoes, bacon, onions and brussels sprouts tossed with American’s favorite noodle, spaghetti. I love Brussels sprouts. I do. I have…
It was 70º today! I was sweating in my layers, shedding them as I grocery shopped. After 30 seconds outside I wanted to pull the…
My daughter loves chicken nuggets as much as the next kid. I can honestly say I have yet to buy the frozen ones and just keep them on hand. …
Many years ago while an active participant in my former church, I was asked to cook lunch for several visiting church officials. The request came…
There is nothing quite like that moment when you have a new friend over for dinner…you’ve decided the meal..and you’re about to cook the last portion of it and…