Staying Hydrated ~ The task for both my daughter and I is to stay hydrated. That is not always easy. This new product just might do the trick!
Coconut water is something that my daughter and I should be drinking. It’s full of antioxidants, trace minerals, and vitamins. It has more potassium than four average sized bananas! The benefit of coconut water that my daughter and I need the most is hydration. It has five electrolytes that are present in the body. That means when our bodies are depleted of these electrolytes, we must replenish them. Coconut water is a healthier option than sports drinks for hydration. We live very hectic lives, and it is often hard to make sure that both my daughter and I are getting enough water as well as enough electrolytes.
We both love Welch’s 100% Grape Juice. The problem is that neither my daughter nor I like the flavor of coconut water! Staying hydrated is important, so we’ve tried to drink it on more than one occasion. I have to admit that the faces my daughter makes when I’ve asked her to try it, are priceless! Honestly, I’d given up on the dream of drinking coconut water. That is until I was grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and ran across Welch’s 100% Juice with Coconut Water! I had no idea that this existed!
Welch’s is synonymous with excellent flavor, so I knew I had to buy it! I purchased the Welch’s 100% Juice with Coconut Water Tropical Berry Grape and the Welch’s 100% Juice with Coconut Water White Grape Mango. I finally had hope that I would like coconut water and I could reap the benefits of being a regular partaker of coconut water!I couldn’t wait for my daughter to get home before I opened the Welch’s 100% Juice with Coconut Water Tropical Berry Grape. I was incredibly impressed! The beautiful fruit flavors were all that I tasted! At that moment, I became a person who drinks coconut water!
When my daughter got home from school that day, I offered the juice to her. She loves Welch’s 100% Juice, but I waited to tell her that it also had coconut water. She finished the first glass, and as she passed her glass to me for a refill, I said to her that there’s coconut water in there. She didn’t believe me! Her mouth dropped open, and she insisted that was not true. I showed her the label that read Welch’s 100% Juice with Coconut Water Tropical Berry Grape. She read it twice before smiling and saying, “guess what, Mom? I like coconut water!”
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